The Little Book of Big Scams

The Little Book of Big Scams

I don’t know about you, but there seem to be so many different scams going on and it so difficult to keep up with what is real and what is a fraudulent. More and more of us are getting caught out from, what we believe, is genuine but turns out to be yet another scam!

As a firm who offers mortgage advice, it is crucial that we educate and inform our customers of anything which is financially-related and I have come across this fantastic book which highlights many scams and what to look out for. It covers everything from identity fraud to dating fraud to mobile phone fraud. It is also a great solution too as it has a chapter on how you can secure yourself as best you can.

I guarantee that this is ideal for everyone whether you are looking to protect yourself or educate your kids or even your parents.

Anyway, I have said enough. To take a look at this simply click here

I hope you enjoy the read and stay safe.

Simon Hughes
Managing Director